Our first annual Shared Services conference is on Saturday, June 11, 2022 from 8:00am – 5:00pm at the Eagle Ridge Conference Center in Raymond, Mississippi. Childcare providers, directors and other early childhood professionals are encouraged to attend. Registration costs $25 per person.
Please make sure to register by FRIDAY, MAY 20TH.
The Mississippi Early Learning Alliance (MELA) and Loving Hands Educational Services are proud to announce that registration is open for our first annual Mississippi Early Learning Resources (MELR) conference! Mississippi Early Learning Resources is a shared services program and website for childcare providers and directors. The website, MSEarlyLearningResources.org, functions as a one-stop shop for early care and education policies, forms, regulations, guidance, discounts, and more. It’s designed to help childcare providers save time, reduce costs, and deliver high-quality services.
The conference offers childcare and early education professionals an opportunity to come together to strengthen their business practices, share resources, and collaborate to enhance their programs. This year’s theme is Reimagine the Core: Moving with Purpose and Confidence. The theme will highlight the resilience of the early childhood community and celebrate the partnerships that were forged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Attendees will:
- Learn how to maximize the resources available to them on MSEarlyLearningResources.org.
- Explore how the shared services approach can help early care and education programs take their work to the next level.
- Connect with other providers, vendors, and early childhood experts.

Do you know someone who won’t want to miss this conference? Share the Conference Flyer with them!