Jackson, MS – November 5th, 2020

Mississippi Early Learning Alliance is thrilled to announce that early learning advocate, April May, has joined their team as the new Coalitions and Programs Director.
May joins MELA with 16 years of experience in the field of Early Childhood Education. She holds a Masters of Arts Degree in Community College Education, emphasizing in Early Childhood Education from Mississippi State University and an undergraduate degree in Child Development and Family Studies from Alcorn State University.
During her career, May taught Pre- Kindergarten in the Jackson Public School District, served as Executive Director for Mississippi Building Blocks and served as Director for the Early Childhood Academy, Innovation and Strategy at MS Community College Board. She also is an Adjunct Instructor at Alcorn State University in the Department of Human Sciences.
May is an active member with state, regional, and national early childhood associations. She has served on the board for the MS Early Childhood Association, most recently as secretary. She was nominated President-Elect for the MS Early Childhood Association and will serve during 2021-2022. She has also served on the State Early Childhood Advisory Council (SECAC). Her most recent achievement was to launch the first MS Leadership for Children Network with forward-thinking colleagues and Leading for Children, Inc.
“April brings a great deal of experience as well as deep connections with Mississippi’s Early Learning community. We could not be more pleased to have her on our team driving collective impact for our state’s children,” expressed MELA Executive Director, Angela Bass.
In this new role, May will work to build an effective early learning coalition made up of a diverse group of stakeholders. She will oversee key MELA programs, including the Mississippi Early Learning Resources Shared Services site, a program for childcare and family care providers, as well as the Thrive by 3rd program, a parent engagement texting program.
Learn more at www.msearlylearning.org